Wild Angelica (Angelica sylvestris) is a species of plant that grows about one meter tall. It has broad, double-finned leaves. The stem is coarse, tubular and violet at the bottom, with broad leaf shafts. At the top the stem has fine hairs. The flowers are green-white. It islate flowering, in late July and early August, and peaks at the end of August and has an overall purple hue. Wild Angelica grows on grazing grounds, cultured land and along streams. It is said that the plant is useless for food, but it is known that it has been used as a vegetable until the 20th century. The plant prevents scurvyandcan easily be stored. The stem was eaten freshand the leaves could be boiled to a stew for storage. It could later be cooked up with milk into a tasty dish. In dire times the Wild Angelica has been an important source of nutrition. However,it also resembles other menbers of the, very poisonous, Water Dropwort family. Unless you are certain of identification, leave well alone. The plant has also been used for dyeing.