A grassland perennial, this pretty pink flower produces a spike of pale, two-lipped flowers with a darker pink blotch inside. We do have Southern Marsh and Heath spotted orchids on the farm. There is a chance these species may of hybridised so you may expect some random results. This is total normal and the plants can often produce viable seed.
This is always a focal point in the meadows around the beginning of June. They put on quite a show and can be quite dense.
From seed these take about 3 years to flower, and bloom in June, but can take 8 weeks to set seed. Being a perennial these will be able to withstand an occasional early cut, but for best results it should be left alone until the end of August. They like slightly damp soil and will grow equally well in acidic or calcareous soils. The plants live for about 5 years and don't like extreme cold and frozen ground.
1000,000 seeds/g
0.1g =100,000 seeds