Directly off the field mix, collected in July, August, and September, this mix consists of approximately 90% wildflower and grass seeds from brushing and combining our fields. thr remaining 10% would chaff and seed heads. This if dried and processed to 5mm seed size max.
Typically, 32kg will cover 1 acre of bare soil, and no more than 8-16 kg are required to be over sown into existing grass.
Autumn sowing is recommended between August and November, but it can be sown at any time of year.
All seed is native and local in origin and provenance to Goren Farm.
The main varieties are as a guide 7% Yellow Rattle, 2% Knapweed, 2% Plantain, 1% Rough Hawkbit, 1% Cat's-ear, 2% Meadow and Bulbous Buttercup, 2% Wild Red and White Clover, 1% Bird's-foot Trefoil, 1% Red Sorrel, and to a lesser extent, 1% Common Spotted Orchid, Southern Marsh Orchid, Yarrow, Selfheal, Pignut, Forget-me-not, Lesser Stitchwort, Corky Fruited Water Dropwort and Black Medick, Oxeye daisy.
Grasses 80%: Sweet Vernal Grass, Smooth Meadow Grass, Rough Bent Grass, Slender Red Fescue. sheep's fescue,
This mix is only available while stocks last. .
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