Collection: Wildflowers

UK Native wildflowers grown and freshly harvested at Goren Farm of local provenance and origin.  

35 products
  • Hawkbit mix - 5g
  • Honesty, 1g
  • Ladies Bedstraw - 4g
  • Meadow Cranesbill - 1g
  • Meadowsweet - 2g
  • Oxeye Daisy - 6g
  • Pignut - 1g / 250 seeds
  • Purple Loosestrife - 0.5g
  • Red Campion - 2g
  • Ribwort Plantain Lanceolata
  • Self Heal - 4g
  • Teasel - 4g
  • Viper's bugloss - 3g
  • Wild Carrot - 5g
  • Wild Red Clover - 4g
  • Wild White Clover - 5g